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Thursday, December 15, 2016

Pointer comparison — an invalid optimization in GCC

I wrote in an earlier blog post that GCC has a somewhat aggressive interpretation of the standard so that it compiles p == q to false if p and q are pointers derived from different objects. I'm now convinced GCC is wrong.

The problem

C does not permit pointers to point at any memory — a pointer must point to an address within an object or on the address immediately following the object, and pointer arithmetic cannot make it point outside that range. When comparing pointers, the C standard says (emphasis added)
Two pointers compare equal if and only if both are null pointers, both are pointers to the same object (including a pointer to an object and a subobject at its beginning) or function, both are pointers to one past the last element of the same array object, or one is a pointer to one past the end of one array object and the other is a pointer to the start of a different array object that happens to immediately follow the first array object in the address space.
That is, the comparison in the printf call
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    int x[4], y[4];
    int *p = &x[4];
    int *q = &y[0];
    printf("%p %p %d\n", (void*)p, (void*)q, p == q);
    return 0;
evaluates to true if the compiler happens to place y directly after x in memory. GCC does, however, substitute address comparison to false if the pointers are derived from different objects, and the program above may give output such as
0x7fff66339290 0x7fff66339290 0
where the comparison evaluates to false even though both pointers are the same. The argument in bug 61502 is essentially that the standard is unclear what "immediately follow" means, and applications cannot rely on memory layout anyway (so there is no real use case). I believe both are wrong.

Use case

One use case for this kind of comparison in firmware for small embedded devices — you have a framework that supports different hardware configurations, but you want to avoid adding an #ifdef for every optional functionality. Instead, each implemented functionality exports a structure containing configuration data, and the linker collects them into an address range and generates a symbol __start for the start address, and __end for the address immediately following the array. The good thing about this is that the array contains exactly what is present at link time — elements are added to the array by just adding files to the link command, and functionality can be included/excluded by just relinking, without any need for additional configuration.

C does not have a convenient way of representing the __end label, so it is typically expressed as
extern struct my_struct __start[];
extern struct my_struct __end[];
where the linker guarantees that __end is immediately following __start. The array is processed as
void foo(void)
    for (struct my_struct *x = __start; x != __end; x++)
which is compiled to an infinite loop if GCC optimizes comparisons of pointers derived from two objects as always being different. The workaround suggested in the GCC mailing lists is to insert some inline assembly to confuse the compiler
void foo(void)
    struct my_struct *x = __start;
    struct my_struct *y = __end;
    for (; x != y; x++)
but this should not be needed for the natural reading of the standard excerpt quoted above.

This particular use case seems to work now as a side-effect by the "missing" optimization of global constant addresses, so the nasty workaround is not needed. But some GCC developers still claim the code is invalid...

The meaning of "following"

Comment #3 of the bug report argues that GCC is correct:
Except within a larger object, I'm not aware of any reason the cases of two objects following or not following each other in memory must be mutually exclusive. (If the implementation can track the origins of bit-patterns and where copies of those bit-patterns have got to, it might have a compacting garbage collector that relocates objects and changes what's adjacent to what, for example — I think such implementations are within the scope of what the C standard is intended to support. Or if you're concerned about how this changes bit-patterns of pointers, imagine that a C pointer is a (object key, offset) pair, and that comparison first converts the C pointer into a hardware address, where it's the mapping from object keys to hardware addresses that changes as a result of garbage collection rather than anything about the representation of the pointer.)
I do not think this is a correct interpretation. For example, DR #077 asks the question "Is the address of an object constant throughout its lifetime?", and the committee answers (emphasis added)
The C Standard does not explicitly state that the address of an object remains constant throughout the life of the object. That this is the intent of the Committee can be inferred from the fact that an address constant is considered to be a constant expression. The framers of the C Standard considered that it was so obvious that addresses should remain constant that they neglected to craft words to that effect.
That is, compacting garbage collection is not within the scope of what the C standard supports. I'm even less convinced by the key/offset example — this is the same situation as "normal" hardware, as you can view the virtual address as a pair (page, offset), and it is still the case that x[16] is immediately following x[15] for an array
uint32_t x[32];
even if x crosses a page boundary so that x[15] and x[16] are placed on different pages.

Friday, December 9, 2016

GCC __attribute__((pure)) and C++ exceptions

John Regehr tweeted the example
int foo(void) __attribute__((pure));

int bar(void) {
  int acc = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
    acc += foo();
  return acc;
that is optimized to
    pushq   %rax
    callq   _Z3foov
    imull   $100, %eax, %eax
    popq    %rcx
by clang, but is not optimized by GCC. The obvious question is "why is it not optimized?"

GCC does actually optimize this if it is compiled as C, but not if compiled as C++. The reason is that GCC allows pure functions to throw exceptions in C++ which prevents some optimizations — bar is optimized as expected in C++ too if foo is marked as noexcept, or if exceptions are disabled by passing the command-line option -fno-exceptions to the compiler.

There are additional restrictions on how pure functions may be optimized. The description of the pure attribute in the GCC manual says
Many functions have no effects except the return value and their return value depends only on the parameters and/or global variables. Such a function can be subject to common subexpression elimination and loop optimization just as an arithmetic operator would be. These functions should be declared with the attribute pure.
The possible use of global variables limits how calls to the pure functions may be moved. For example,
int foo(void) __attribute__((pure));
int a;

int baz(void)
    int acc = 0;
    acc += foo();
    a = 0;
    acc += foo();
   return acc;
cannot be optimized to the equivalent of
int baz(void)
    a = 0;
    return 2 * foo();
as it is possible that the result of foo() depends on the global variable a.

There is another attribute, const, for functions without side effects that do not depend on global variables
Many functions do not examine any values except their arguments, and have no effects except the return value. Basically this is just slightly more strict class than the pure attribute below, since function is not allowed to read global memory.
Decorating foo with the const attribute would optimize the function baz above, but the compiler is still restricted in how it can move functions, even if they are known not to throw exceptions and are marked as const — they may take arbitrarily long time to execute, so the compiler should not move a function call so that it is executed on a path where it was not executed in the original code.

This means that the optimization opportunities of pure and const functions are rather limited, and the possibility of throwing exceptions does not affect it that much — a pure or const function that throws an exception will always do it for the same input, so they can still be optimized by subexpression elimination, memoization, etc. The only extra restriction is that the first call of a function must not be moved over some other construct that can throw an exception.

So GCC is overly conservative when handling the loop in bar — the optimization is valid even if foo may throw — but most more complex cases cannot be handled. For example,
int foo() __attribute__((pure));
int foo2(int) __attribute__((pure));

int bar2() 
    int acc = 0;
    int acc2 = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        acc2 += foo2(i);
        acc += foo();
    return acc + acc2;
cannot be optimized to the equivalent of
int bar2() 
    int acc2 = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        acc2 += foo2(i);
    return 100 * foo() + acc2;
as this will give a different result if both foo() and foo2(1) throws (while foo2(0) does not throw). There are ways to handle some of these more complex cases (e.g. peeling the first iteration of the loop to get the first calls in the correct order, and then optimizing the rest of the loop), but this is not common enough that it is worth complicating the optimizers by special-casing the few cases that can be optimized.